Marc discusses and demonstrates in depth eye anatomy, structure, position, and practice of drawing exercises designed to strengthe...
When in Hong Kong you MUST try seafood and one of the BEST ways to taste the ocean is at a steam hotpot restaurant where all the seafood juice drops to the bottom of the pot and is mixed with congee Might be the BEST congee I ve ever had The congee at the first place is much better than the congee at location 2 but the second location had 9 LAYERS and is bit more affordable hongkongseafood hongkong hotpot Location 1 Boat Dweller Steam Hotpot11 Hau Fook St Tsim Sha Tsui Hong Kong Location 2 九重天 Shop G26 G F Treasure World Site 11 The Whampoa Hung Hom MORE EXCLUSIVE Content on Instagram FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Equipment I use for filming My Favorite Cookware Send stuff to our P O Box Mike Chen P O Box 610 Middletown NY 10940 Music by Epidemic Sound
Marc discusses and demonstrates in depth eye anatomy, structure, position, and practice of drawing exercises designed to strengthe...
始まりはリムとリコ♡寝起き後にリコの横に並ぶリム♪ リコがふせのポーズをすると、リムも♪ リコがあくびをすると、またまたリムも♪ リムはマネして犬化しちゃうかも?!(*´艸`) そして、キジトラ猫リリは、大好きなリコの背中のモフモフ柴ふでゆったり癒しのひと時♥...
My red velvet donuts have just the right note of chocolate to complement the cream cheese frosting and they are SO MOIST!!! That’s...
Here are some of the most beautiful DIY projects you can try for your self at home
We all strive for a glowing, soft and nourished skin. But maintaining a healthy skin is not a monthly or a weekly task, especially...
又到了全開架彩妝的時間 這次要挑戰用近幾個月內推出的開架彩妝來完成秋天妝容 除了妝容以外,我想大家最在意的應該還是產品好不好用 所以會邊上妝邊評論、也因此片長較長 可以選擇分天看、或挑自己有興趣的產品看🤘
Dear friends, my Nakshi kantha design stitch-47, how to stitch nakshi kantha,নকশী কাঁথা সেলাই, नक्षी कंध सिलाई is ready for you.
真正的網美是不會帶棉被跟椅子出國的豪嗎!!!!!! 快來訂閱我吧► 追蹤我的生活►FB: ►IG:
お気に入りポイントを紹介しながら 雑談メイクだよ〜! 辛い時期だけどみんなで一緒に乗り切ろうね!
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