a panda bullet journal weekly spread · journal with me

by Sarica Studio

a panda bullet journal weekly spread · journal with me


I received some stationery from a journaling friend and used them in this panda themed bullet journal spread Huge thanks to Anna of Kiroku for the happy mail S U P P L I E SVintage Ephemera Stickers Washi Tape are from AliExpressThe listings and sellers change often use your discretion More of my favorite supplies V I D E O G E A REdited in Adobe Premiere Pro M U S I CMusic from Epidemic Sound C O N N E C T W I T H M ESnail Mail P O Box 6527 Pittsburgh PA 15212 Some of these links are affiliate links if you choose to buy anything through these links I ll make a small commission at no extra cost to you It s a win win Thanks for your support



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