Acrylic Pouring Polarity | When the Darkness Bleeds Through | Black and White Straight Pour

by Dirty Artist - Acrylic Pouring

Acrylic Pouring Polarity | When the Darkness Bleeds Through | Black and White Straight Pour


The polarity within Black and white the soft and harsh the light and dark what it is to be human what it is to be heart broken Acrylic Pouring grief onto canvas This triptych is special to me I wanted to encapsulate the light in the centre and the impending darkness that surrounds a broken heart The fight between light and dark and the inspiration to continue or the ever present swallowing within surrender We finish with 3 canvases the light in the centre the grey in the blending and balance and the black in the darkness where all things are born I hope you enjoy it as much as i do Thank you for your support Timestamp 00 00 Acrylic Pouring Layering Cup00 39 Acrylic Pouring Pear Cells Base how to 00 53 Acrylic Pouring Straight Pour02 05 Acrylic Pouring Straight Pour 203 33 Acrylic Pouring Straight Pour 3 04 52 Acrylic Pouring Dry Results before varnish 05 55 Triptych Final Results Together This Canvas art is for sale maybe i don t do this often but i may keep them haven t decided yet If it s not available on my website yet but you re interested contact me via email For more info on Dirty please visit NEW Website Art for sale www dirtyartistofficial com Email contactdirtyartist gmail com See the Website or Channels About section for other social media links or info Music Epidemic Sound License follow the link for a 30 day free trial FluidArt StraightPour AcrylicPouring




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