Additional diacritical marks for the Copperplate Calligraphy Manual of Paul Antonio

by Calligraphy Masters

Additional diacritical marks for the Copperplate Calligraphy Manual of Paul Antonio


Additional diacritical marks for the Copperplate Calligraphy Manual of Paul AntonioLIKE SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE Follow Paul Antonio Calligraphy Instagram pascribeFacebook Paul Antonio ScribeHere are some of the new diacritical marks made last night for the manual You can hear the more recent version of the manual being printed off in the background Getting there So Excited Watch more of Paul Antonio Calligraphy Thank you for watching Additional diacritical marks for the Copperplate Calligraphy Manual of Paul Antonio




  • by ポムさんとしまちゃん / ねこべや。 1074

今日の動画はなかなかにシュールですね!笑 しまちゃんは猫じゃらしを使わなくても背中に乗ってくれますが、今日は乗ってくれませんでした。いつか、ふらっと背中に乗る様子が撮れたらいいな〜!