Aty site disappeared by heavy rains, but still a happy otter [Otter life Day 311]【カワウソアティとにゃん先輩】

by Aty

Aty site disappeared by heavy rains, but still a happy otter [Otter life Day 311]【カワウソアティとにゃん先輩】


This video was taken in July 2020 Record breaking downpours continued in various areas and the Noro Lodge site was partially submerged in water The river has now returned to a clear stream and the site can be used as normal I took this video with the campground manager Please do not go near the river when the river is rising Aty Shop is here You can buy Aty Shirt pillows mugs or etc at hereInstagram Facebook Twitter Blog AmazonList Japan otter Aty NoroLodge



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