Airedale Terriers - The Dogs With The Waggiest Tails

by Way Out West Blow-in blog

Airedale Terriers - The Dogs With The Waggiest Tails


Trudi and Turnip are our Airedale terriers and we love them We also have a sweet gentle dog called Annie but this video is mostly about Turnip and Trudi About how we train them what they do all day and especially about their very waggy tails Ok here are some important website links Please check them out Here s Tim s amazing guitar machine here s our online store where you can see some of the craft things we make and sell If you would like to help and encourage us then please do It s easy and means such a lot and here s our Patreon page where you can see more of our plans and dreams Remember even 5 dollars would make a BIG difference to us and we d be very grateful Thank you Sandra Timblowinblog gmail comCopyright WayOutWest All rights reserved Please share if you like but don t copy or use without permission Just get in touch via email blowinblog gmail comDon t steal our stuff



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봄을 맞아 고양이들이 몸단장을 했어요. 루루가 똑똑해져서 발톱깎기가 점점 어려워져요.