Aloo Posto Recipe | Bengali Aloo Posto | Potato with Poppy Seeds | Bengali Recipe | Ruchi Bharani

by Rajshri Food

Aloo Posto Recipe | Bengali Aloo Posto | Potato with Poppy Seeds | Bengali Recipe | Ruchi Bharani


Learn How To Make Aloo Posto Recipe a Bengali Recipe from Chef Ruchi Bharani only on Rajshri Food Make this easy to make Potato with Poppy Seeds Recipes at home and share your experiences with us in the comments section below Ingredients 4 tbsp Poppy seeds soaked for 30 minutes and ground to a paste1½ tbsp Mustard Oil1 tsp Black Caraway seeds4 Potatoes diced2 Green chillies slit1½ cup WaterSalt to tastePinch of sugar1 tsp GheeMethod 1 Heat oil in a pan and toss caraway seeds and potatoes in it 2 Then add green chillies poppy seed paste and mix well 3 Add water salt a pinch of sugar and cover with a lid Cook on a low flame for 10 minutes stirring and checking periodically 4 Add ghee and turn the flame off Aloo Posto is ready to eat HAPPY COOKING Host Ruchi BharaniDirector Vaibhav DhandhaCamera Kavaldeep Singh Jangwal Pratik Gamre Spandan Rout Akshay SawantEditing Dinesh ShettyProducer Rajjat A BarjatyaCopyrights Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited



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