AMAZING DIAGONAL POUR/Boom Gel Swipe over negative space/created beautiful Lacing Lusciousness

by Gilly Kube acrylic pouring art tutorials

AMAZING  DIAGONAL POUR/Boom Gel Swipe over negative space/created beautiful Lacing Lusciousness


Welcome today i use the Boom Gel paints over a base coat of mont mate acrylic paint and my pouring medium as described below love the results hopefully you do toBig thank you for subscribing don t forget to hit the notifications bell Acrylic pouring Fluid art My pouring medium used for my usual work is a pre mix of 70 Mont marte clear craft glue and 30 warm water most pva glues can be made up with same ratios to make a pouring medium I add my pouring medium to my paint slowly until I achieve the consistency of pouring cream approximately 50 50 more pm if needed My paint brands mostly used are the Mont marte studio acrylics dimensions or pouring paints Boom Gel stain When iv mixed my paints I add 2 4 drops maximum of Helmar silicone also Australian made I stir in well I always like to mix up my paints and add silicone the day before I m going to paint and cover with a damp cloth as I have found I have much better results If you d like to help me for free Please subscribe to my YouTube channel press on notification bell and watch my videos like and comment and please share My favourite Australian online art supplier are a family run business who offer excellent prices and prompt excellent service You will find mont marte acrylic paints a d glues and lots more canvas silicone push pins tools if your can t find anything just ask Diane or Anthony acrylicpouring gillykube easyabstractart fluidart montmartepaints Do you want to see more USA and Canada acrylic pouring artist looking for mont marte stockiest links are below Boom gel stain stockiest listed at boomgelstain com Beginners videos click links above recipes tips and tricks



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