NUCLEAR Chinese Street Food NOODLE Tour of Chongqing, China - 5 INSANE SPICY + Chinese Noodles!!

by The Food Ranger

NUCLEAR Chinese Street Food NOODLE Tour of Chongqing, China - 5 INSANE SPICY + Chinese  Noodles!!


Today we re bringing you for the ULTIMATE Chinese Street Food Noodle TOUR of Chongqing China 5 BOWLS Especially the Chongqing Xiaomian They were made so FRAGRANT and A LITTLE SPICY TOO Get ready for the MOST SATISFYING and delicious noodles in the WORLD We re watching the local Chinese street vendors prepare the WORLD FAMOUS Chongqing spicy xiaomian noodles Thanks a lot for watching these Chinese street food tour videos The Food Ranger Trevor James Instagram Thanks so much for watching my street food videos Please click the bell button



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免費項目表,並在視頻說明中有用的信息。一探究竟。在這部影片中我會告訴你如何添加一個黃銅鑲嵌,但你可以把它簡單,如果你想,只是把它的木材。我做了一個三隊從塞爾達傳說,因為它是相當容易的。有兩種方法來添加黃銅。固體片或黃銅粉。我所使用的固態黃銅是0.016“厚。 ...