My Eyebrow Routine | Makeup for Sparse Eyebrows

by coolirpa

My Eyebrow Routine | Makeup for Sparse Eyebrows


This video has been highly requested so I thought i d finally share how I do my eyebrow makeup My eyebrows have been through a journey and I feel like I finally figured out what works for me I hope this video helps some of you out Remember this is what works for ME i m not an expert in makeup so make sure you watch other videos and practice whats best for you PRODUTS Tweezerman TweezersEyebrow trimmersNYX Tame and Frame Tinted Brow PomadeAnastasia Beverly Hills BrushModern Renaissance PaletteIt Cosmetics Bye Bye Under EyeMUSIC BY erikphotomanFollow Me Snap c00lirpa




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