Watercolor Painting/はたらく細胞/Cel...
再生リスト playlist -Original art / waka_My Watercolor painting https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYUPgQBqQOQJjhxleVM1xZzBF3K7oRZk...
This video has been highly requested so I thought i d finally share how I do my eyebrow makeup My eyebrows have been through a journey and I feel like I finally figured out what works for me I hope this video helps some of you out Remember this is what works for ME i m not an expert in makeup so make sure you watch other videos and practice whats best for you PRODUTS Tweezerman TweezersEyebrow trimmersNYX Tame and Frame Tinted Brow PomadeAnastasia Beverly Hills BrushModern Renaissance PaletteIt Cosmetics Bye Bye Under EyeMUSIC BY erikphotomanFollow Me Snap c00lirpa
再生リスト playlist -Original art / waka_My Watercolor painting https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYUPgQBqQOQJjhxleVM1xZzBF3K7oRZk...
こんにちは!shiroです❗️ 桜が満開になりましたね!今回は、夜桜をテーマに小物入れをつくりました〜!😊✨ 初めてつくってみたんですけど…。なかなか好きな感じにできてよかったです🤗 ぜひつくっているところをみてくださ~い✨
This is JUST BEAUTIFUL... Two beautiful updates that will make your day. INDIA has gone home... and BUDDY IS WALKING AGAIN!!! AMA...
訂閱夢露🔎 https://goo.gl/zc6u2R 我的INSTAGRAM🔎myladymonroe IG追起來🔎 https://goo.gl/LBqRtK 每月最愛 🔎 https://goo.gl/1ZKnhE
영상 타이틀 : 스킨부터 차곡차곡! 꿀겹 베이스 메이크업(feat. 스킨케어 꿀팁) 이니스프리 innisfree
GRWM 一起化妝 !分享我近期很愛的妝容!免整形~眼睛變大,臉就變小囉😊 🎀 影片中使用的商品▼Products I Mentioned▼ LINKS ▼ ZA NINJA CONCEALER 一抹隱形遮瑕筆 01
今回はブラウンリップを紹介しました💄 新作から人気のものまでいろいろ紹介しています♡ 去年からブラウンリップは流行っていますよね…! 沢山のブランドからオシャレなブラウンリップが発売されているので、是非参考にしてみてください❤️
Welcome back to #MISHMAS !! Thanks so much for tuning into today’s video - MINI REVIEWS - Products from November 2018. Hope you en...
Here's how to do Octavia Blake's hair from The 100! This is the half up half down hairstyle she wears for a bunch of the seasons a...
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