How To Weave

by Shmoxd

How To Weave


How to make a home made loom and wall hanging weave Remember back in grade school when you would take lil strips of paper and you would put them inside an another paper with slits by going over under over under ect then take another strip and put it through opposite the other and keep doing that till you had a lilll thing Thats weavingI made a couple with thread and yarn They turned out okay I learned what to do and what not to do I made them all on this thing which is called a loom The string that holds still and is usually up and down is called your warp string On this particular loom I didn t like how wide apart the warp was and when I double it up it made the warp all close together where they meet So I thought would make my own loom Im using a wooden frame that I got from a thrift store I took the Embroidery piece out and Daria made that embroidery piece I don t know who she is but it took em from 1979 1983 soooo I m going to repurpose this piece in a future project I position the frame with the length taller than it is wide and I m going to use some nails a ruler and colored pencils to make the loom Also a drill and a hammer The nails are 1 8 wide To make the warp spaced out evenly I m going to mark off on the bottom every 1 8 and put a nail on every other mark I drew a line down the middle to try and keep the holes I drill nails nice and straight Because the nails are so big if you don t drill holes for the nails the wood is going to crack If you use smaller nails you should be okay When I started hammering the nails I ran into another problem Because the nails were so close to gather it made the head of the nails touch or overlap That would make it really hare to get the warp in between the nails To fix that you just stagger the nails and make ever other nail shorter than the ones its surrounded by I drilled every other whole a little bit deeper and hammered them all in Next I did the same thing on the other side I found it was easier if I marked every 1 4 used the nails to make lil divots for the drill and hammered in the short nails first then the tall ones Next the warp string When I pick warp string I usually pick ones that don t stretch a lot Other wise it will make your weave shrink I tested out using a stretchy warp on this lil weave and tbh it didn t shrink as much as I thought I would but it did a lil so _ ツ _ Take your warp string You want to start on the same amount of nails in on both sides I tided the sting to the nail with a lil square knot and began to wrap it around the nails top to bottom Keep doing that till its as wide as you want your weave on the very last string I don t tie it off yet I just wrap it around some nails and go back through all the strings and make sure its nice and tight you want it tight enough that you can strum it but not so tight that the warp string is going to break So we have the width of the weave now to figure out how long we want it I wanted it to end with 6 gap So I cut out a pice of poster board or card stock that is 6 tall To get the card stock in between the warp you are going to use something call a shed stick You can use a dowel a paint stirrer a ruler or something like that for the shed stick weave the shed stick in and then when you lift it up that will make a gap for the card stock You will use this later when you put the yarn in The yarn string that you put in between the warp sting is call the weft To start take like 5 lengths of the weft and weave the shed stick in again opposite of what you have your cardstock in Then put your weft in I used a shuttle at first but I don t really like the shuttle so I ll show you in a sec how to do it with a needle Be sure to leave a little tail Annnnd I ve hit my word cap with the descriptions S I need to figure out CC Thanks so much guys My next big goal on Patreon will be to get an assistant so I can focus on just creating more content to put out for you guys If you want to support me in that you can sign up here www patreon com shmoxdMaterials used Music Yondo Morning sunYondo FeelYondo Came TrueYondo ParanoidFollow me and watch the art process Like Comment Share or what ever _ ツ _




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