Amazing Handmade Candy Making / 신기한 수제캔디 만들기 망원동 모아새 / Korean street food

by Eat Now 잇나우

Amazing Handmade Candy Making / 신기한 수제캔디 만들기 망원동 모아새 / Korean street food


Moa bird handmade candy shopPrice 100g 7 000KRWMangwon dong is a popular place for young people in Korea these days There is a very special place to make and sell handmade candy You can see firsthand the process of making a candyfor a very cute character Among them the process of making high density candies was shown It is interesting and fun to see for yourself Thank u for watching it Be happy and good luck u Makinghandmadecandy handmadecandy koreancandy



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  • by R5 リキリコとリリムータ 768

リリとリムのリュック型のキャリーを購入! 色違いで、宇宙船のようなリュックです♥ 気にいってくれるかなぁ~♪ リタのリュックも色違いで購入したかったのですが、売り切れだったのでまた今度購入します! リタが一番気に入ったみたい(*´艸`) リキリコは、大丈夫??...