INSTAGRAM: @hindash Lana's Instagram: @lana_.jpg - Hey guys! In celebration of NARS's 25 year anniversary, I created this look rev...
We created this Bramble Swirl Soap to celebrate our 20th anniversary It s scented with Bramble Berry Fragrance Oil which is a delicious blend of berries white florals and a touch of amber and musk The swirl incorporates our favorite colors pink and purple This is an advanced soap project It requires a good understanding of trace because you need plenty of time to pour all the colors into the mold and swirl Be ready to work quickly To aid in the creation of this recipe we recommend adding the dispersed colorants into each container before emulsifying the soap Adding the fragrance to each individual container right before pouring also helps keep the soap fluid longer If the soap starts to thicken as you pour don t panic Keep whisks nearby to whisk each container throughout the pouring process This helps keep the soap fluid and pourable Towards the end when the soap is at its thickest you can also drizzle the soap with a spoon if pouring become tricky Bramble Swirl Soap Recipe 18 Bar Birchwood MoldSilicone Liner for 18 Bar Mold5 3 oz Avocado Oil 7 15 oz Olive Oil 20 2 3 oz Castor Oil 3 18 8 oz Palm Oil 25 18 8 oz Coconut Oil 25 15 oz Rice Bran Oil 20 10 5 oz Sodium Hydroxide Lye23 5 oz Distilled Water3 5 tsp Sodium Lactate3 5 oz Bramble Berry Fragrance Oil Titanium DioxideQueen s Purple MicaMerlot Sparkle MicaRose Pearl MicaActivated CharcoalOnce all the soap has been poured into the mold and you re happy with the swirl insert the dividers The dividers create 18 perfectly shaped bars of soap We recommend promoting gel phase with this batch by covering the mold and placing it on a heating pad for 1 2 hours A thorough gel phase will help the soap release easily from the dividers Give the soap a full 3 days before trying to unmold to ensure the bars do not tear
INSTAGRAM: @hindash Lana's Instagram: @lana_.jpg - Hey guys! In celebration of NARS's 25 year anniversary, I created this look rev...
a bit of chat and creative fun while i paint and doodle butterflies! special thank you to Catrena for being the most awesomest mod...
【2/16発売】たっぷり紹介!ViseeAVANT新作レビュー 2/16に発売のViseeAVANTの新作と新色のコスメを紹介しました💕 今回の新作は大注目のリキッドアイシャドウや大人気のシングルシャドウ、リップスティックの新色と内容が盛りだくさんです!
柴犬🐶もも(6歳♀) 黒猫😸天(4歳♂) キジトラ😸空(?歳♂)
A weekly vlog including some VERY exciting unboxings! My DREAMY new Chloe bag, plus some HIGHSTREET outfits for Autumn! ❤ OPEN for...
おはよう こんにちは こんばんは♪ はなるなです。 ご視聴していただき、ありがとうございます。
What happens in Vegas, stays in your pores for about a week hahah. That’s why your girl is partnering up with #Drjart for this bir...
#Miss_A #embroidery #save_from_YouTube Website : https://www.missanjiarabegum.com Download Pattern : https://...
Hii mermaids🧜🏽♀️🧜🏽♀️🧜🏽♀️
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