Most Satisfying video for Choc...
Most Satisfying video for Chocolate Lovers |Oddly satisfying Compilation#68 Subscribe for more compilation videos! ***https://goo....
Hey everyone I thought I d do this video for those of you who ve unfortunately missed out on prom this year As ASMRtists we don t ask very much but would you believe that 75 of my audience isn t subscribed it s literally now 77 If you enjoy my videos please if you can I would love if you could subscribe to this channel so I can easily let you know about new uploads Thank you so much and make sure to sub to many other amazing Artists too Have sweet dreams and enjoy this video xxFor business inquiries sophiemichelle_asmr outlook com My social media links If you d like to make a donation to the channel you can do through PayPal sophiemichelle_asmr outlook comLots of love x
Most Satisfying video for Chocolate Lovers |Oddly satisfying Compilation#68 Subscribe for more compilation videos! ***https://goo....
提供:イージースムージー アサイー
一昨日の動画の続きで、深夜にお外へ遊びに行きたくて、しっぽをブンブン振り始めたネコ吉です。 最後は諦めて大人しくベッドで寝てくれました(^^;)
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This video will show you how to make Hot Cakes, Japanese pancakes that are thicker and sweeter than their American counterpart. ...
Today I have a ton of products that you'll love, that not enough people are talking about. Hope you enjoy and have an amazing week...
こんにちはLes sens cielです。 八百屋さんにたくさんチェリーが並んでいたので思わず購入しました。 今まで、あまりチェリーを使ったケーキを作ったことがありませんでしたが、プリプリのチェリーがあまりにも輝いていたので挑戦してみました。 今回作ったチェリ...
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