Houseplant Haul | September 2019

by Nick Pileggi

Houseplant Haul | September 2019


Time for another plant haul lots of gorgeous houseplants Thanks for watching Hoya pubicalyx Hoya retusaHoya macrophylla Variegata Hoya lacunosa Hoya Krinkles TinklesPeperomia scandensPeperomia viridis Variegata Peperomia Fuzzy Mystery Peperomia quadrangularis Piper parmatum Ctenanthe Amagris Maranta leuconeura Silver Band Episcia cupreata var Episcia cupreata Silver Skies Aglaonema Pink Moon Xerosicyos danguyiInstagram phillyfoliage PhillyFoliage PlantHaul HouseplantHaul



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