驚異のレタリング アート 2019 !【117】 フリーハン...
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We re getting cozy feelings Our Buttered Rum Soap is a cozy and might I add dreamy blend reminiscent of hot buttered rum simmered with a splash of vanilla topped with fluffy whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon This soap will be available soon I m eyeballing Monday October 29th Stay tuned to our social media for details SHOP OUR PRODUCTS www moriversoap com SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS Instagram Facebook Page make sure to select to get notifications This group is not a general soapmaking wax making craft group This group is only for the happenings of MO River Soap Twitter FILMING AND EDITING Camera used to film Canon M50Camera used for images Nikon D3200 with 50mm lensVideo Editing Software Corel Video Studio Pro LEARNING RESOURCES FAQ Why doesn t your video have a recipe and supply list This video is not a tutorial How do I get started in soapmaking I would recommend starting by arming yourself with knowledge Educate and then experiment Be sure to follow all proper safety precautions A great starting place is the beginner cold process soapmaking series by SoapQueenTV here on YouTube You can then purchase all the supplies you need at Bramble Berry Lovin Soap Studio also has a beginner series on YouTube Why don t you share your cold process soap recipe Our recipe is proprietary We can t give away all our secrets now can we I did share a test recipe on our four Bramble Berry Seascape Collection Series videos Where do you buy your oils We purchase our oils in bulk at Soapers Choice Jedwards International or Bramble Berry Where did you buy your molds My husband builds all my wood molds My silicone molds are from various suppliers Where did you buy your soap planer My husband built the soap planer for me Where did you buy your soap cutter We purchased our soap cutter at Bud s Woodshop Where did you buy your soap loaf splitter Our loaf splitter was purchased from Smith Creek Studio Where do you buy your soaping containers My pitchers are from School Masters and my large plastic containers are from Webstaurant Store Where do you buy your fragrance oils We purchase our oils from many different suppliers We don t have a one stop shop for all of our oils We blend the majority of the fragrances we work with Where do you buy your colors We buy our colors at Bramble Berry and Nurture Soap Where do you buy your coconut milk I was buying So Delicious Organic Coconut Milk on Amazon but I think you all bought them out Ha I now buy Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk Please don t buy them out I need coconut milk lol Where do you buy your packaging materials We buy our packaging materials at various suppliers including Paper Mart ULine Nashville Wraps and Amazon Why don t you provide exact links for supplies I think providing where I purchased something is good enough I encourage you to research We have the internet at our finger tips use it Maybe that s the mom in me encouraging you to be self sufficient Plus links change and then the information is no longer valid Do you give classes No I do not offer classes However if you need help leave me a comment and I ll see what I can do Can I stop by and meet you Well I consider myself a really nice person but I am an introvert and meeting strangers even soapmakers is way out of my comfort zone I think you re awesome I just am not that type of person
SUBSCRIBE NOW ✈☺✈☺✈ https://goo.gl/GLnJ75 ✈☺✈☺✈
チワワのかんぺーくんと、インコのモレッキくん。 同い年の仲良し兄弟です(^^) お久しぶりの投稿になってしまいました... 忙しくなかなか二人の動画を撮れない毎日です。 でも、かんぺーにごはんをあげると一番に飛んでくるモレッキの動画が撮れました(^^)
今回は ダイソーさんのちりめん生地を使って 半球に葺いてみました♪成人式や七五三などにもピッタリかと思います(^-^)kanzashi DIY
Поддержать BobCat ТВ: Карта сбербанка 5469 5500 6399 1514 Валеева Екатерина Сергеевна. Донаты: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/bobc...
ファッションのワンポイントになるハンドウォーマーの作り方動画です! 増減なしでとても簡単に短時間で編めるので初心者さんにもおすすめです♪ スマホがいじれて非常に便利☺️☺️☺️
This itty bitty luxury eyeshadow Palette was $42 ... let's see if it packs a punch. xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & After PHOTOS HERE...
気になってたロレアル試せてよかったあ❤️なんとなくのせた感じが両方とも思ってた色とは少し違う感じだったけど(笑)あれはあれで好き😂💓笑 パックもめちゃめちゃいいから使ってみてねー(*´꒳`*)❣️
[WATCH IN HD] How is this POSSIBLE?! The NEW Colourpop BFF mascara is what mascara dreams are made of! Let me know if you picked u...
讚+留言 抽三位送KATE凱婷璀鑽幻光眼影盒/不挑色/限台灣地區 10/15截止 10/18 公佈在 https://www.instagram.com/peri168/
Hi guys! Today I decided to just paint a sketchbook doodle of the plants that I bought on my short trip. When I got these I didn't...
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