年假要放完啦~~ 趁最後的假期來做點心! 這已經是宮廷料理等級了啊😆
Omurice or omu rice オムライス Omu raisu is an example of yōshoku a Western influenced style of Japanese cuisine consisting of an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup With omu and raisu being contractions of the words omelette and rice the name is an example of Gairaigo It is a popular dish both commonly cooked at home and often found at western style diners in Japan The dish was brought to Korea during Japanese rule and today it is a fixture on gimbap restaurant menus throughout South Korea where it is rendered as 오므라이스 omeuraiseu in Hangul Omurice is also popular in Taiwan another territory formerly occupied by Japan Children in particular enjoy omurice and it is often featured in okosama ranchi or kids meals Omurice is said to have originated around the turn of the 20th century at a western style restaurant in Tokyo s Ginza district called Renga tei inspired by chakin zushi It has been featured in popular culture such as the Japanese film Tampopo and the Korean TV series Rooftop Prince and more recently in the manga Shokugeki no Soma
年假要放完啦~~ 趁最後的假期來做點心! 這已經是宮廷料理等級了啊😆
Creative Nail Design Tutorials
Product name: Punitto Kanzume Mascot with Ball Chain (all 5 types) Brand: J.DREAM Vending machine-dispensed capsule toys for ages...
●カラコン モテコン ハニーオリーブ 詳細記事▽ https://mirainista.com/2017/06/27/%e3%82%ab%e3%83%a9%e3%82%b3%e3%83%b3%e9%96%8b%e5%b0%81%ef%bc%81motecon%...
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ウェルシュ・コーギー・ペンブロークのノエルです! 8歳の男の子で、ノエさんって呼ばれてます。 人間の弟いっくん(3)と仲良く暮らしています。 節句の準備! 鎧兜をみんなで出しました。 ◇インスタグラムもやってます! https://www....
羊蝎子火锅,这一锅下肚,暖胃暖心又滋补,让你单身都感觉不到冷。尝试了只有小时候见过的蜂窝煤,点燃是个大工程。 但是啃着羊蝎子喝着热汤,收尾的时候烫点青菜豆腐,也算是满足了我冬天烧蜂窝煤的愿望~ 夏厨,不仅仅是下厨。 夏厨是一档披着美食的外衣实际是努力过好小日子...
Frost like a boss with these creative buttercream ideas! Also learn how to make these yummy bite-sized desserts and get some cake ...
想知道日式拉麵上面裝的雞蛋做法? 連中間滑潤的蛋黃也很有入味的 超級好吃糖心的做法影片來了! 大家一定要試試看喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و 〜♫
提供:YOU TOKYO ↓YOU TOKYOヘアオイルの詳細はこちら♡ https://bit.ly/2pFsBS0
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