How to Make the Modern Eleganc... - In this video learn how to make the Modern Elegance ...
Huge thank you to Fadhlur for reaching out and taking us on a Malaysian street food tour of Kuala Lumpur It was an amazing day and I have so much love to Malaysia as it was one of the first countries where I started making street food videos as you ll see in the video Ok here are all the street food stalls and restaurants we ate at on this tour Mansion Tea StallThe thing to order here is the roti canai special roti that chopped up then doused in a variety of curry sauces sambal and a few soft boiled eggs It s a perfect way to begin your day in Kuala Lumpur Price 2 80 RM 0 68 per plateNasi Lemak TanglinNasi lemak is often considered the national food of Malaysia and there are plenty of places to eat it throughout Kuala Lumpur Having been around since 1948 Nasi Lemak Tanglin is a place I had wanted to go for a while It was overall very good with a nice laid back atmosphere and surrounded by nature Nasi lemak about 8 RM 1 94 per plateIkan Bakar Seri Melaka Jalan Bellamy One of my favorite places to eat ikan bakar grilled fish is on Jalan Bellamy Back in 2012 I had to hike over a highway and climb a few fences to get there as I was only on foot In this video I m a bit older and we had a car The ikan bakar was just as good as I remember it Total price 68 RM 16 51 for everythingSri Ganapathi MessOne of the best things about Malaysian food is its incredible diversity including Malay Chinese and Indian food Banana leaf south Indian food is very popular and I was recommended to try Sri Ganapathi Mess a restaurant tucked away into a home An amazing south Indian food experience in Kuala Lumpur Price 59 RM 14 32 for 4 peopleKedai Kopi Lai FoongFinally another dish that many had recommended me was the unique clam noodles in Kuala Lumpur Chinatown at the legendary Kedai Kopi Lai Foong It was delicious and a perfect way to end an amazing Malaysian street food tour in Kuala Lumpur Price 10 RM 2 43 per bowlCAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links FOLLOW Thank you for watching - In this video learn how to make the Modern Elegance ...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Watch me test out December’s BOXYSHERM!!!!! I hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for watching! xoxo!
What are your thoughts about this collection? It's definitely unique and I think you will either love it or not really love it.
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Well well well, cats for you again. But this time, even better, even funnier, even more hilarious! We know you like these furries ...
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Perfectly crispy pork belly is easier to make than you think. Masterchef John shows you simple tips on EASY Crispy Pork Belly cook...
밥 한 공기를 뚝딱하게 만드는 얼큰한 국물맛이 일품~ 돼지고기 김치찌개를 만들었어요. 푸짐하게 넣은 돼지고기와 김치가 숟가락을 멈출 수 없게 만든답니다. 언제 먹어도 맛있는 돼지고기 김치찌개로 즐거운 식탁을 만들어보세요.
Can my kitties be friends with a robot vacuum?
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