Finishing an oil painting in ONE DAY!! (with no preparation)

by Happy D. Artist

Finishing an oil painting in ONE DAY!!  (with no preparation)


10 off your first purchase with Squarespace Hello my loves Today s oil painting time lapse features a cute fantasy portrait of my dog Mushroom surrounded by mushrooms I will also be chatting about why I squeezed this painting in before the New Year and finished it in one day along with some important lessons I learned about productivity inspiration and how to deal with burn out Hope you enjoy Thanks so much for watching Happy A R T S U P P L I E S OIL PAINTING MATERIALS R E L A T E D V I D E O SM O R E A R T V I D E O S Art Chat Playlist art storytime videos where I paint while answering your FAQs A B O U T M EI m an oil painter illustrator cat mom living in Seattle I am in love with oil painting but I also dabble in drawing watercolor colored pencil and always looking to learn new mediums I post my painting and illustration time lapses art tutorials for beginners including oil painting techniques drawing techniques and art career advice and various artist studio vlogs for your enjoyment For even more comprehensive tutorials such as how to paint skin tones how to paint backgrounds how to paint hair free prints live streams and daily artworks in progress please check out my Patreon page Thank you C O N N E C T W I T H M E




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