【Drawing Crypt TV Monsters】LOO...
Crypt TV's LOOK-SEE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM1QdD6q8Kg&t=797s Crypt TV's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpJ6D...
Two ideas for using multiple colors of ink on your cards FULL SUPPLY LIST with links BELOW ENTER MY MONTHLY GIVEAWAYS V I D E O I N F O Happy Monday everyone In today s video I m showing two different ways to do multicolor stamping I m also using the Little Love Tags stamp set from Concord 9th L I N K S S U P P L I E S Below are links to the items shown in the video Compensated affiliate links used when possible Items marked with an asterisk were provided by a store or the manufacturer All other items were personally purchased Items below are shown in the order they appear in the video with most visible products shown first Concord 9th Little Love Tags stamp set MISTI Stamp Positioning Tool MISTI bar magnet Neenah Classic Crest Solar White 110 lbs 25 sheets Simon Says Stamp Twirling Tutu ink Simon Says Stamp Teeny Bikini ink Simon Says Stamp Hot Mama Ink Hero Arts Floral Hues ink cubes Grape Juice Ink Simon Says Stamp Fossil Ink EK Success Powder Tool Brutus Monroe Alabaster embossing powder Precision Heat Embossing Gun Tim Holtz Tonic Maxi Guillotine Paper Trimmer Neenah Desert Storm Card Stock 100 lb Scor Pal Scor Buddy scoring board Simon Says Stamp Teflon Bone Folder 3M Scotch Foam Tape We R Memory Keepers Corner Chomper Bazzill Card Shoppe Licorice Twist Cardstock EK Success Honey Bee Non Stick Scissors T Square Ruler Fine Black Pens Dahle Self Healing Cutting 18 12 Mat M A I L I love receiving mail and hearing from you Please do not send gifts or products But I do love letters and seeing your handmade cards MAILING ADDRESS Kristina Werner770 E Main St 143Lehi UT 84043UNITED STATES D I S C L A I M E R Some product is provided by manufacturers for review and use Compensated affiliate links used where possible
Crypt TV's LOOK-SEE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM1QdD6q8Kg&t=797s Crypt TV's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpJ6D...
お菓子作り動画#422 楽しいハッピーな気持ちになる Cake&Food 観るだけで楽しい気持ちになる動画#422 お菓子の技が凄い!! The Most Satisfying Cake & Food Video Compilation #422 Music:...
#猫 #ぽてと #cat カゴ入り娘だったぽてちゃんがついに箱入り娘に! 小さなダンボール箱に入ってくつろぐ猫の動画です。 撮影日:2018年11月4日
イーネオヤでお花の土台になるガクの部分を作るための動画です。 ☆イーネオヤの朝顔の作り方の動画はこちらへ→https://youtu.be/l3fFbHICR_Y
箱に入ったらすごいんです。In fact, Maru is slim?
Сегодня готовим очень вкусную овощную лазанью или мясную запеканку с кабачками!!!
▼隙間埋め竹輪メニュー ①キュウリ竹輪、オクラ竹輪 ②三つ編み竹輪 ③シソチーチくるくる ④梅シソ竹輪くるくる ⑤海苔チーチくるくる ⑥スプラウト(カイワレ)竹輪 ⑦うずら卵竹輪の照り焼き ⑧味噌マヨ竹輪焼き、明太マヨ竹輪焼き ⑨竹輪の磯辺揚げ ⑩竹輪のカレー...
Drugstore makeup favorites and not so favorites in this month's edition of Must Haves & Must Nots! Full application details and we...
もも「ヤモリ絶対いたよね!もも見たもん」 天「見たような気もするし~見てないような気もする~」 もも「もう、しっかりしてよ。だいたい天は怪しいやつがいてもちっともやっつけようとしないじゃん」 天「知らない奴だからって怪しいと決めつけるのはなぁ。まずはそいつがど...
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