[ASMR] How to make Ginnan Okowa (Sticky rice with Ginkgo nuts)

by Peaceful Cuisine

[ASMR] How to make Ginnan Okowa (Sticky rice with Ginkgo nuts)


Ingredients 450g sticky rice200g ginkgo nuts with shells 150ml water7g dried shiitake2g kombu50g carrot1 tsp salt1 tbsp soy sauce2 tbsp mirin2 tbsp sake60g walnutsInstructions 1 soak sticky rice for a few hours2 crack the ginkgo nuts a little bit and then roast them for 5 10 minutes let them cool and remove the shell and the skin 3 put water shiitake kombu carrot salt soy sauce mirin and sake into a sauce pan and gently bring it to a boil 4 take the kombu sheet out and thinly slice it and put it back to the pan 5 strain the sticky rice well for 10 20 minutes then steam for 20 minutes 6 transfer the sticky rice into a large bowl and combine with the rest of the ingredients 7 put it back to the steaming basket then steam another 10 minutes 8 Enjoy 材料 もち米 3合ぎんなん 200g 殻付き 水 150ml乾燥椎茸 7g昆布 2g人参 50g塩 小さじ1醤油 大さじ1みりん 大さじ2酒 大さじ2くるみ 60g 作り方 1 もち米を数時間ほど浸水しておきます 2 ぎんなんの殻を少し割り 5 10分ほど炒ります 冷めたら殻と薄皮を剥いておきます 3 水 椎茸 昆布 人参 塩 醤油 みりん 酒を片手鍋に入れて一度沸騰させます 4 昆布を取り出し 千切りにしてから鍋に戻します 5 もち米をよく水切りし 20 30分ほど セイロで20分蒸します 6 もち米を一度ボウルに取り出し 残りの全ての材料と合わせます 7 セイロに戻し さらに10分ほど蒸したら出来上がりです 8 えーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーんジョーーーい 一気に半分食べたら頭痛がしました ぎんなんの食べ過ぎにはご注意ください 笑 I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free Instagram peaceful_cuisine Equipments etc Camera Sony A7RIILens FE 35mm F1 4 ZA SEL35F14Z Lens Filter Kenko variable NDX 82mmMic RODE Videomic Pro Monitor Atomos Ninja AssassinTripods SLIK carbon 923 pro SLIK carbon 823 pro SLIK mini pro 7 RRS TP 243 Ground Level TripodSlider iFootage Shark Slider MiniEdit Adobe Premiere Pro CC




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