PLAN WITH ME | August 2018 Bullet Journal Setup | (w/ ChristineMyLinh)

by MyLifeinaBullet

PLAN WITH ME | August 2018 Bullet Journal Setup | (w/ ChristineMyLinh)


Here s my August 2018 Bullet Journal Setup Plan with me All links and supplies are down here CHECK OUT CHRISTINE S SETUP SUPPLIES USED Notebook sketchbook from Stillman Birn Epsilon series Fineliner Pigma Micron 0 2 Gold pen Gelly Roll Metallic Calendar stamps Letter Stamps similar Amazon links White pen Uni ball Signo Watercolors Kuretake Gansai Tambi highly recommend Pocket printer I use for the pictures on my journaling spreads HP Sprocket Did I forget to list something Let me know in the comments WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME MY FILMING AND EDITING EQUIPMENT Canon 77D 18 55mm lens and 50mm lens Rode NT1A Microphone you also need an audio interface with this mic Lighting Equipment Tripod for over head shots Editing Adobe Premiere Pro Music by Joakim Karud Amazon Links are affiliate This means that if you buy something through them I get a small commission at no extra cost to you I only recommend products that I use in my videos so I obviously use love them myself Thank you so much for your support FTC Disclaimer Not sponsored Much love Cristina bulletjournal planwithme augustpwm




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