Natural Cold Process Soap with a Pencil Line & Straight Layers Wave & Linear Swirls By Chass WF

by SNIF Natural Soapmaking

Natural Cold Process Soap with a Pencil Line & Straight Layers Wave &  Linear Swirls By Chass WF


You will need a slow moving recipe to ensure you have plenty of time for each layer to set up before you pour the next layer Mix each layer you are pouring to to medium to light trace Wait for it to set up then pour the next layer Using a pitcher to alternate the colors pour them down side to slow down the batter The swirl is similar to the cosmic wave Use a spatula holding it directly above so the batter lays on top Use a strainer to sprinkle charcoal pencil lines Do not make them too thick or your bars will separate Clean up sharp edges with a soap planer beveler Use the scraps to make soap balls This batch is 11 5lbs Oils The essential oils used are Tea Tree Lavandin Bergamot Mint The colorants are natural using Charcaol Nettle Indigo and tumeric My misspelled Badder and should be batter Sorry



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