Otter Aty goes! Enjoy the nature of Hakushu Part Ⅰ[Otter life Day 136] カワウソアティがゆく!白州の自然を満喫する旅 Part Ⅰ

by Aty

Otter Aty goes! Enjoy the nature of Hakushu Part Ⅰ[Otter life Day 136] カワウソアティがゆく!白州の自然を満喫する旅 Part Ⅰ


Camp in Hakushu first day Here is the homepage of the campsite where we stayed this time The manager of this campsite was very kind and I was able to spend leisurely with aty Hakushu is famous for nature and clean water Whiskey is also famous One of the places I want to recommend for visitors from abroad Aty Shop has just opened You can buy Aty Shirt pillows mugs or etc at hereTwitter Instagram Facebook otter Aty camp



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