Hаnd Embroidery|Christmas embr...
Christmas embroidery
Watch me paint with watercolors Get 10 off your first purchase using offer code MARYDOODLES Squarespace com marydoodles This is the first in a series of character design paintings Who should I make next Leave suggestions in the comments below of characters you wanna see me invent The Bird Lady is usually a bittersweet kind of character to me Like the Bird Lady from Mary Poppins she is not glamorous or rich but sings happily to her feathered friends She is alone but never lonely As I started making this painting though I realized that this might actually be a portrait of a tiny innocent bird who is about to be lured into an insidious cult MATERIALS USED Watercolor on Watercolor paper Here s some similar art supplies that I would recommend trying out and by clicking these links you help support this channel MUSIC Epidemicsound com French Connection 13 by Ha kan Eriksson French Connection 1 by Ha kan Eriksson FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE SNAPCHAT snapmarydoodlesTHANKS FOR WATCHING
Christmas embroidery
「猫かわいい」 すごくかわいい子猫 - 最も面白い猫の映画 #129 https://youtu.be/9zMkYHOii3Y #猫 #楽しい #可愛い #リラックス
HidaMari Cookingへようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子を中心に投稿しています。
to make the feather cane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAF-Fx_F0Bw&t=268s to make the leaf cane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
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突然眠くなった子猫(わらび)です。 【blog https://ameblo.jp/nesuko2ne2si/entry-12305210194.html】 Subscribe to MAKO0MAKO0 Channel!: ➡︎https://www.you...
Tips and techniques for locker hooking the Color Crazy Confetti Tote Bag.
Hey Tinnies! In this episode of Tina Tries It, I tried out sugar waxing for the first time. It was definitely not a success but I ...
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