Ronaldo? No! Pusiс the cat!
Before you, the future star of the world football - Pusiс the cat, who without problems and misses scores balls into the football ...
Just a short little video of Midas Many mice love being petted but only a few will groom you back This is the first time I managed to film Midas licking my intern Rachel s hand Midas was born at my place and then went to live with Rachel But he developed a stubborn ear infection and had to come back to me Since then he has lived with me since now he needs special care and monitoring He is a super affectionate little mouse and always very happy to see Rachel when she comes to visit he has not lost his bond to her In this video he is too excited to stay still for petting instead he covers Rachel s hand with mousy kisses Midas is the best
Before you, the future star of the world football - Pusiс the cat, who without problems and misses scores balls into the football ...
안녕하세요!!! 제리팝입니다 :D 이번에는 '변신 슬라임'이라는 포핀쿠킨을 만들어 봤는데요!!
6月に発売された新作コスメをまとめてレビュー💄💕 注目のINTEGRATEの化粧下地や、1本でふたつの仕上がりを楽しめるCANMAKE のマスカラ、大人気のため限定復活したWHOMEEのコスメなど、注目のアイテムが盛りだくさんです😍 ぜひ最後までご覧ください👀...
CelesteTerry官網 CelesteTerry IG CelesteTerry ...
全くギターが弾けないスナフキンおじさんと、とにかく穴が気になるコタロー少年。 2人が奏でるギターの音はまるで三味線。
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