GARDEN COOKIES decorated with royal icing

by SweetAmbsCookies

GARDEN COOKIES decorated with royal icing


Garden cookie cutters Decorating bags Tipless decorating bag for lettering Decorating tips 2 3 10 101 and 352 Bag ties Scribe tool Couplers Offset tapered spatula Corn starch Parchment paper squares Flower nail Stiff consistency royal icing in light pink and dark green see color combinations below Slightly thinned stiff consistency royal icing in terra cotta and brown Medium consistency royal icing in white Flood consistency royal icing in dark blue and gray Pink food coloring for painting I used Wilton Color Right Red food coloring for painting I used Wilton Color Right Silver pearl dust Brush for dusting I used the one from the Wilton 5 piece set Round brush for painting Thin artist brush for painting Paint palette or small dish for mixing colors Vodka or grain alcohol for painting Color combinations I used Chefmaster Light pink Rose pink Terra cotta Sunset Orange a touch of Buckeye Brown a touch of Tulip Red Dark blue Navy Blue Royal Blue Dark green Leaf Green a touch of Tulip RedIf you enjoyed this tutorial check out some of my other videos Hi I m Amber My cookie decorating tutorials are filmed in my studio in upstate New York I m a graduate of the baking and pastry program at the Culinary Institute of America and I ve been decorating cookies professionally for over 12 years I love sharing my techniques and I post cookie decorating tutorials with step by step instructions here on my YouTube channel every week Let me know if you have any suggestions for upcoming videos Follow me on TikTok sweetambscookies Business inquires info sweetambs com




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