How To Use Watercolor Pencils | TIPS FOR BEGINNERS

by HulloAlice

How To Use Watercolor Pencils | TIPS FOR BEGINNERS


OPEN ME FOR SUPPLY LIST MORE You guys have been asking for it and it s here How to use watercolor pencils or how I use watercolor pencils I hope you guys find this tutorial helpful NEW ART VIDEO EVERY FRIDAY SUBSCRIBE If you re new to my channel make sure to hit the bell so you don t ever miss a new video Join the Wonderland Fam today we eat pizza make art it s a lot of fun MERCH AND PRINTS CURRENTLY IN BETA TEST MODE SOCIAL MEDIA Vlog Channel www youtube com c HulloLife Twitter hulloalice Instagram hulloalice Facebook www facebook com hulloalice SUPPLY LIST FAVORITE MOST USED SUPPLIES FILMING SUPPLIES MUSIC Intro The Path of the Goblin King Kevin MacLeod incompetech com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3 0 License End Screen Summertime DISCLAIMER Links marked with a are Amazon Affiliate Links What are Affiliate Links They re links that provide a small commission to me that I am able to use to invest back in my channel It doesn t affect the price at all for you guys and they can be used for anything so it doesn t affect the products I use or recommend If you re not comfortable purchasing using Affiliate links feel free to google or amazon search the product name instead If you would like to help out my channel then purchasing using these links does help me out a bit



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