障子を破って上機嫌なボス吉です。 少しでも破れると破れた紙にじゃれて大きく破ってしまうみたいです。 また新しい障子紙、買いに行かないと‥
Today was a super gloomy day Since my boys weren t feeling 100 and took nice long naps I decided to take advantage of the free indoor time and do a fall pamper session make a video for you I hope you enjoy and it inspires you to pamper yourself DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed are true my own I link affiliate links to make it easier for you to find the exact products I mention and I LOVE YOU Thank you for supporting what I do THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED VIDEO
障子を破って上機嫌なボス吉です。 少しでも破れると破れた紙にじゃれて大きく破ってしまうみたいです。 また新しい障子紙、買いに行かないと‥
Yes, you CAN paint a cute owl! In this tutorial I’ll share my step-by-step process for painting this sweet barn owl in watercolor....
We wanted to share with you all a summer inspired bedroom. This was one of the more colorful styles that we have done. We usually ...
Chance upon a Dragon Beard Candy Stall at a pop up flea market
▼今日のお弁当メニュー ・具沢山ちゃんぽんスープ ・炒り卵おにぎり
轉眼間一年又要過惹 今年卡布加入幾噗家 搬家換了大窗台給三噗 開了Youtube頻道多了很多新朋友 趁跨年前做這支回顧影片 謝謝大家陪幾噗成長
ご視聴ありがとうございます。 うさぎのトイレ動画です。
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I test out the new Milani Foundation + Concealer and give you my thoughts! I hope y...
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