New fashion collection - episode 2 ǀ ProjectRacine ǀ Justine Leconte

by Justine Leconte officiel

New fashion collection - episode 2 ǀ ProjectRacine ǀ Justine Leconte


The creative process of Project Racine continues My next collection is now going into the pattern making phase I am choosing fabrics and colors the timing is getting tighter I hope you will enjoy seeing more of what happens behind the scenes of the fashion industry when developing a fashion collection One thing I have learnt since starting out as a fashion designer it is SO MUCH MORE work than what people usually think I hope that this video series shows that aspect but also how creative and free the process nonetheless is What do you think of the idea of a pre order period It would mean that you wait a couple of weeks between ordering and receiving your garments But it guarantees that you will get your size and that you ll get it as soon as the collection is out Opinions Objections Suggestions Thank you Thumbs up if you liked this video If you subscribe to this channel and click on the bell you will be notified when a new video goes live New videos currently every Sunday 12pm Paris Berlin time Take care Justine SEEN OR MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO Patternmakers schnittmacher berlin de I AM WEARING CREDITS Photos Music Epidemic Sound This video already comes with English Spanish subtitles To write translations for this video To contribute further languages for any of my videos Thanks a lot to everyone who helps translating my videos MORE VIDEOS New collection episode 1 My video series on building a capsule wardrobe 20 ways to wear a scarf because fall is coming How to recognize good quality in clothes How to find the perfect red lipstick for your skin How to find your personal style My video series on building a capsule wardrobe How a shirt should fit when it fits right How to tell if a color is warm or cool What do the colors you wear say about you SOCIAL Shop my clothing collection www justineleconte com shopShop my jewelry collection Instagram www instagram com JustineLeconteFacebook Justine Leconte FashionTwitter JustineLeconteOPinterest jleconteberlin Newsletter registration info about new projects re stock Business requests only info justineleconte com MY EQUIPMENT Legal disclosure those links are affiliate links There are here for you to see the products and prices If you buy a product through these links I get a small share of the price without the product being more expensive for you You don t have to use those links It is up to you This video is not sponsored



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