[ASMR] How to Make Warabi Mochi

by Peaceful Cuisine

[ASMR] How to Make Warabi Mochi


Ingredients For the sauce Kuromitsu 50g Okinawan black sugar50g waterFor the mochi50g warabi powder bracken starch 250g water60g beet sugar other sugar can be substitution roasted soybean powder kinako Instructions 1 add Okinawan black sugar and water into a sauce pan gently boil the sauce down to half set aside 2 put warabi powder water and beet sugar into a sauce pan and mix well 3 heat it on medium or low fire until it thickens then keep stirring for a few minutes to make the mochi slimier 4 cover it with kinako roasted soybean powder and drizzle the kuromitsu sauce 5 Enjoy 材料 黒蜜黒糖 50g水 50gわらび餅本わらび粉 50g水 250gてん菜糖 60gきな粉 適量 作り方 1 黒糖と水を鍋に入れて 半量くらいになるまで煮詰めます 2 本わらび粉と水を鍋に入れ ダマがなくなるまで混ぜます てん菜糖を加えます 3 弱火 中火で餅状になるまで火にかけます その後 弱火にして数分間混ぜ続けます 4 きな粉をまぶして 適当な大きなに切り分けます 5 エンジョーイ Instagram peaceful_cuisine Equipments etc Camera Fujifilm GFX100Lens Fujinon GF45mm f2 8Lens Filter Kenko variable NDX 82mm Kenko MC close up filter No 1 62mmMic RODE Videomic Pro Monitor Atomos ShinobiTripods SLIK carbon 923 pro SLIK carbon 823 pro SLIK mini pro 7Edit Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects



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