Top 25 Easy Christmas Nail Art...
Hello everyone, welcome to our channel. We mainly make nail art compilation videos. We do not own the videos. Credits are below :)...
I actually bought the socks to make this owl plushie in 2015 There were lots of requests for a penguin plushie as well so I decided to combine both together and came up with this DIY This is easy relatively speaking since all sock plushies take a bit of practise to make If this is your first time sewing sock plush then you can simply create a non reversible owl or penguin That s super easy to make and you can watch my other videos on how to seal the base If you have a bit more experience with plushies then feel free to get creative You can even add small ears to create different animals 3 The plushie will drop some bits of fluff at the beginning because there are lots of raw fabric edges However after you play with it for a while these will go away Other Cute DIY Sock Plushies DIY Shopping Links You can get fluffy socks from lots of discount shops or large supermarkets Please note not all of my DIY videos are ASMR because many crafting techniques do not produce any sound This includes sewing clay or painting videos That s why those DIYs always have music in the background because otherwise they will be almost completely silent Snapchat Username maqaroon c Joanna Zhou 2017Contains affiliate linksThis video is not sponsored
Hello everyone, welcome to our channel. We mainly make nail art compilation videos. We do not own the videos. Credits are below :)...
annas(アンナス) / 刺繍作家・刺しゅうイラストレーター [BASE] ネットショップ アンナとラパン [Etsy] 海外向け...
Well, I didn't mean for it to look like such a monstrosity but it does and we just have to live with it.
Read more about Linda's look here:
#額頭那是一道疤 #不是粉底沒有推勻 / 發問前請先詳閱資訊欄喔~感謝!! / / 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱~我們下支影片再見囉♡ 粉絲專頁: Follow my Instagram...
ブラッシングされる音。Sound of the brushing. ----------------------------------------------------------- まるの動くラインスタンプ発売中!!
Thanks so much for tuning into today’s video - MINI REVIEWS - Products from October 2018 Pt. 1. Hope you enjoy! xoxo
もう直ぐバレンタインだね〜〜!! みんなは手作りするのかな!? カップケーキ作りは途中トラブルのせいで 超〜〜大変だったけど デコレーションがとにかく楽しかった♡ またしたい!今度はちっさいの作るwww みんなも何か作ったら教えてね!
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I can't decide on which puppy to keep! GET NEW MERCH HERE: SUBSCRIBE! http...
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