Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I walk you through my GO TO look for events or special occasions! I hope you guys e...
Just another autumn lookbook to keep you cute and comfy Stay Cozy and a big thanks to my friend Jillian for coming with me to film this and blocking peoples gaze as i changed on the street lol Discount code MCKENNA10OFF 10 off on orders US 49 valid until Dec 17th What i m wearingCafe Au LaitUnder shirt forever 21Scarf handmadeShoes AmazonMacchiatoTop Forever 21Choker HandmadeEspresso Top Forever 21Bag AmazonChaiPumpkin Spice Dress Yesstyle but it s no longer available Belt Old from peppermayo i think MusicIntro Bootstraps FortyfiveCameron Douglas Miss You For NowIntro Animation Hennie MonclairSupport my amazing friend Instagramsimply_kenna Business emailmckenna kaelin yahoo com This video is sponsored and in collaboration with Yesstyle My fav store I really love their stuff all opinions are my own we all know this by now haha xx
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I walk you through my GO TO look for events or special occasions! I hope you guys e...
Hey Guys! I wanted to share some quick and easy spa DIY's that are perfect for these autumn months. Hope you enjoy!
Используемые материалы: жемчуг, подвеска с друзой, цепь. пины, замок-тогл, колечки. Вся фурнитура в данном мастер-классе LUX лату...
#猫 #子猫 #ぽてと #cat #kitten あと少しで生後2ヶ月、ベッドにも上がれるようになってさらにやんちゃっぷりが増してきた子猫のぽてと。 そんな遊びたい盛りのぽてとに珍事件発生! まさかの姿におもわず笑ってしまうかも?!
(折り紙)七夕飾り 星の作り方【DIY】(Origami) How to make Tanabata decorating stars 折り紙やコピー用紙で星を作りました。5角と6角の星を作ってみました。
facciamo insieme un confronto fra i miei due bullet...tra decorazione e copertine del mese :)
出れそうで出られない猫(わらび)です。 【blog https://ameblo.jp/nesuko2ne2si/entry-12313296194.html】 Subscribe to MAKO0MAKO0 Channel!: ➡︎https://www.y...
Je n'avais pas beaucoup plus d'idée pour ce titre, parfois je trouve que c'est la chose la plus dur ^^ Comment trouver un titre ac...
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