毎段同じ模様を繰り返す、簡単な模様編みです。長編みの間に鎖編み1目を入れて、長編み2目1度の模様を編みます。 #かぎ針編み初心者さん #簡単な模様編み #Crochet ◆編み図はこちらをご覧ください。 https://crochet-japan.blo...
Sooooo hello everyone Parker is back How cute is this Every morning when we wake up Millie and Rupert always going to Parker s room at his gate Rupert always runs up stairs to the 3rd floor to Kades bedroom and gets on his bed to wake him up lol Then Millie always sneaks into Parker s bed which is so funny haha It s so amazing them grow together the way they are It s amazing how much Parker can speak now too Hope this makes you all smile Love you all
毎段同じ模様を繰り返す、簡単な模様編みです。長編みの間に鎖編み1目を入れて、長編み2目1度の模様を編みます。 #かぎ針編み初心者さん #簡単な模様編み #Crochet ◆編み図はこちらをご覧ください。 https://crochet-japan.blo...
8/2に登場するスックの秋冬新作コレクションをレビューします💄 人気のアイシャドウやチーク、リップの新色・限定色など、注目のアイテムが盛りだくさん💖 新色の単色アイシャドウ「トーン タッチ アイズ」は別の動画で詳しくレビューしているので、こちらの公開もお楽しみ...
今年跟大家分享巧克力風味的草莓蛋糕 雖然流程不少 真的值得做! 非常有成就感。 自己做的蛋糕特別好吃喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
This week is a little tough for Uni and Nami because they are in heat. After they were rescued they received some treatment and va...
تابعونا علي صفحة الفيسبوكhttps://www.facebook.com/amsmrzzzzz/?ref=bookmarks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzrybledmS1DCbINUqSRe...
If you've followed me for a while, you'll know that I LOVE this stuff. Burnt Butter, or Neurre Noisette as it's known in Official ...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here's a video where I share all of my fav beauty products from the month of July with you guys! I hope ...
一定要看到最後!有小寵物出沒XD 淘寶戰利品來了!(趕在雙十二之前 呼~) 資訊欄有商品連結、小小心得 記得打開參考唷❤️
✰ Q&A Video: Real time sketching w/ Markers and Coloured Pencils ✰ https://youtu.be/KqtizV9H-fw
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