BACK TO BASICS! Just Stamps, Ink, & Paper

by K Werner Design

BACK TO BASICS! Just Stamps, Ink, & Paper


Easy and simple one layer cards with only colorful stamping FULL SUPPLY LIST with links BELOW ENTER MY MONTHLY GIVEAWAYS V I D E O I N F O Happy Monday all Today I have a back to basics card for you I loved creating cards like this years ago so inking up some stamps for cards like this was familiar and comforting as weird as that sounds Not only are these colorful and fun card but they go through the post very easily because they are one layer cards L I N K S S U P P L I E S Below are links to the items shown in the video Compensated affiliate links used when possible Items marked with an asterisk were provided by a store or the manufacturer All other items were personally purchased Items below are shown in the order they appear in the video with most visible products shown first Pinkfresh Studio Playful Animal Friends 1 stamp set Neenah Classic Crest Solar White 110 lbs 25 sheets Scor Pal Scor Buddy scoring board Simon Says Stamp Teflon Bone Folder 3M Scotch Blue Masking Tape Tim Holtz Distress Oxide Ink in Hickory Smoke Tim Holtz Distress Oxide Ink in Abandoned Coral Tim Holtz Distress Oxide Ink in Crushed Olive Tim Holtz Distress Oxide Ink in Faded Jeans Tim Holtz Distress Oxide Ink in Seedless Preserves Studio Katia 2 75 inch acrylic block Dahle Self Healing Cutting 18 12 Mat M A I L I love receiving mail and hearing from you Please do not send gifts or products But I do love letters and seeing your handmade cards MAILING ADDRESS Kristina Werner770 E Main St 143Lehi UT 84043UNITED STATES D I S C L A I M E R Some product is provided by manufacturers for review and use Compensated affiliate links used where possible



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