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Make sure to tag your creations on Instagram happyberrycrochet www instagram com happyberrycrochet Please do not share copy write out or translate this video without permission Copyright and all rights reserved to HappyBerry
Plumping, smoothing, nourishing lip glosses from Maybelline! *Purchase at https://bit.ly/3fBVinz *Rakuten cash-back!: http://bit....
*本影片和GA合作* 0:17 近期膚況問題 0:45 妝前打底 GA訂製光保濕持妝精華乳 1:15 開始上妝 GA完美絲絨水慕斯粉底 2:05 左右臉對照 2:40 全臉完妝 妝效說明 3:20 粉底上妝小tips 5:15 實測開始 6:11 實測結果 騎...
日本街頭食物:河豚(河豚)生魚片 - 魚大部分是有毒的。統計學0至6人,每年死於日本已經吃肝臟,卵巢或這種魚的皮膚後。如果你吃河豚魚肝想到遇到頭暈,疲勞,頭痛,噁心,呼吸困難,你會保持清醒,但無法說話或移動。呼吸會停止,窒息套。這些症狀進食河豚後,請向醫生諮詢...
Continuando a confecção desta nossa blusinha listrada que é uma graça, hoje veremos a costura. Com o avesso todo perfeitinho, fare...
" 사용 재료 정보 "
The original cat mind blown footage, many of you messaged us to let us know that the clip of Marmalade had been uploaded with the ...
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