Setting Up a NEW Bullet Journal!!! || 2020 Bullet Journal Setup

by planningwithkay

Setting Up a NEW Bullet Journal!!! || 2020 Bullet Journal Setup


I m so excited to be setting up my brand new bullet journal Here are all the links to the stickers I used 30 OFF SPRING BUNDLE 30 OFF BUJO MIGRATION BUNDLE CHECKBOX LISTSCHERRY BLOSSOM KITHUMMINGBIRD KITPLANTS AND PAGES KITYEARLY TRACKERNEW BULLET JOURNAL SPREAD HEADERSSMALL 2020 CALENDARSMIXED MONTHLY HEADERSCheck out all the links to my sticker shop supplies used and social media down below STICKER SHOP PATREON MOST USED SUPPLIES Scribbles That Matter Pro Notebook Tombow MONO Drawing Pens Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pens Crayola Supertips Silhouette Portrait White Gel PenINSTAGRAM planningwithkayTWITTERFACEBOOKTUMBLRPINTERESTMUSIC



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