
by GEN3 Owl Channel



検診のため動物病院にきた途端ご立腹 汗 キャリーから出そうとしたらご覧の通り 思い切り手を噛まれました メンテナンスしてるから大丈夫ですが かなり痛い



Mandala Bordada a Mano Paso a ...

  • by Artesd'Olga 1024

¡Hola! Hoy te muestro cómo bordar un mandala. Es un bordado ideal para un mantel, un centro de mesa, una servilleta e incluso para...

Malamute and cat bonding

  • by Life with Malamutes 1545

A rare scene as both predators usually strive for alpha male status. Content after hunting for their advent calendars they rest on...

$15.00 NYX FOUNDATION VS. $195...

  • by jeffreestar 1887

HEY EVERYONE... Welcome BACK to my channel! Today we are doing another episode of FOUNDATION BATTLES! I'm testing out the $15.00 N...