【ペーパーナプキン】トピアリー風ブーケ 【Paper Na...
Please note Do not try this recipe at home unless you have a chance to get Shirako Bamboo shoots If you are using normal bamboo shoots please get rid of all the harshness and bitterness in bamboo shoots by boiling it for an hour beforehand 今回はたまたま朝市で白子竹の子を入手しましたので アク抜き処理が浸水するだけになっていますが 通常の竹の子を使用する場合は米ぬかで茹でるなどちゃんと下処理をしてください Ingredients Shirako bamboo shoots230g rice80g sticky ricea small sheet of kombu360ml water2 tbsp sake1 tbsp soy sauce1 2 tsp saltInstructions 1 peel the bamboo and soak overnight 2 soak rice for a couple of hours 3 make Dashi by soaking kombu in 360ml water 4 combine all the ingredients together in a pan or pot and bring to a boil 5 cook 15min on very low heat 6 enjoy 材料 白子竹の子 1個お米 1 5合もち米 0 5合昆布 適量水 360ml酒 大さじ2醤油 大さじ1塩 小さじ1 2 作り方 1 白子竹の子の皮を剥き 一晩浸水させます 2 お米を数時間 浸水させます 3 昆布は360mlのお水でだしをとります 4 全ての材料を鍋に入れ 沸騰させます 5 極弱火で15分ほど炊きます 6 エンジョーイ I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free Instagram peaceful_cuisine Equipments etc Camera Sony A7SIILens FE 35mm F1 4 ZA SEL35F14Z Lens Filter Kenko variable NDX 82mmMic RODE Videomic Pro Monitor Atomos Ninja AssassinTripods SLIK carbon 923 pro SLIK carbon 823 pro SLIK mini pro 7Edit Adobe Premiere Pro CC
DIY Kanzashi flower, ribbon flower tutorial, how to, easy The ribbon used in the video is 4cm wide. Now you don’t have excuse that...
Here are some of my greatest Beauty Secrets, Hacks & Tips for great Hair, Skin and Makeup! xo's ~ Tati 😇 TRY HALO BEAUTY here »...
Usama Ishtay | Spring Summer 2017 by *** | Full Fashion Show in High Definition. (Widescreen - Exclusive Video/1080p - Los Angeles...
Hand embroidery. Hand embroidery stitches tutorial for beginners. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe ,like,share and commen...
Be prepared for some of the cutest animals you've ever seen in this brand new weekly theme compilation where we challenge you to T...
📢본 영상은 7월 29일 뷰확행 글리터레시피 네일아트 편입니다! 📢
Today I'm showing you my February Bullet Journal Setup! Thanks for your patience with this one. Hope you enjoy x
DIY ROOM DECOR!!! Amazing 5 Easy Crafts Ideas at Home
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