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Introduction Blocking Pleats for Dress Designs Stitching Ideas for Clothes Smocking is done by using small stitches to gather fabric in a pattern You can use it to create little rows of pretty pleats with colorful stitching the perfect detail for a child s dress or the bodice of a blouse Tell me what do you think and you can also check our other tutorials SUBSCRIBE LET S CONNECT Amazon Music Song Romantic Piano Music by AShamaluevMusic
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Каждый вечер перед сном мы ведем такие разговоры с Месси)))) Он очень не хочет уходить с кровати, но всё понимает)
This channel is for animal lovers who want to share videos with cute animals and funny animals with animal lovers.
Kalanchoe tomentosa Panda Plant, Chocolate Soldier Kalanchoe tomentosa “Panda Plant” is a velvety, green succulent with brown spot...
Hi! Welcome on back :-) Here's a super easy and quick makeup tutorial on my model Laken (IG: @lakenromijn). If you enjoyed this pu...
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