Grey and white cat with eyeliner is so beautiful and cute she is lovely but not hungry About us Hello dear audience we are living in istanbul too many stray cats and kittens are living in our area We are trying to feed and help the stray cats as much as we can If you want to help us you can support us by watching the video to the end and you can subscribe to the channel by clicking subscribe button If you like the video don t forget to press the like button after watching it by recommending our channel In this way you ll help us gain more subscribers and help more animals living in the streets We are not an organization we are just an ordinary couple loving cats and all animal We have two cats at home both of them rescued from the street Their names are Brownie and Cinnamon You can also see their videos on our channel Thank you so much for your supports by watching the video
幅広の肩ヒモで、肩への負担が少ないショルダーバッグです。 見た目は小さいですが、雑誌も入る大きさで、普段使いに大活躍のバッグです。
ご視聴ありがとうございます。 寝ているときに突然マロンから起こされたので 色々バタバタしながら動画回したせいで とってもグダグダです、ごめんなさい( ̄O ̄;) 見苦しいかと思いますが( ̄O ̄;)
パウンド型で!簡単ホワイトチョコバー | White chocolate bars(Bite size) 砕いたビスケットに溶かしたホワイトチョコを絡めてパウンド型にぎゅっと詰めました。 はい出来上がり~。 簡単なのにザクザク美味しいホワイトチョコバー! バー...
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ●もち様グッズ https://catmochimaru.booth.pm ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ●Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/catmotimaru ーーーーーー...
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진짜 귤과 똑 닮은 노오븐 귤 치즈케이크를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡ ...
(聖誕)貼紙趣*單元二*雪花指甲【小花兒 FunFun Nailの生活記趣】美甲教學 光療指甲 DIY nails tutorial 光療教學 光療
Making of two lino cut prints using 3 separate blocks for each print. Hand carved and printed with press.
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