VEGASSSSS! Vegas is ALWAYS good idea! Some of my closest gals took me to VEGAS for my bachelorette/staggette party ! In this vid...
HI SISTERS For the first time ever we re doing a Beauty Battle but I m not in the middle I challenged Mario Dedivanovic celebrity makeup artist to a battle on Kim Kardashian s face Can I compete against the artist that has done her face every day for the past 10 years Enjoy and don t forget to thumbs up and SUBSCRIBE __ HOLIDAY GIVEASLAY RULESHOW TO ENTER 1 Must be subscribed to me on my YouTube channel2 Must be following on my other social media platforms including Instagram Twitter Snapchat jamescharles 3 Thumbs up this video leave a comment down below GiveASlays will be happening on all 8 videos uploaded to my channel during the month of December Tuesdays Fridays Prize Package remains the same for all videos consisting of the Morphe x James Charles PR box a Sisters Apparel Rainbow Hoodie a brand new Apple Macbook Air All winners will be chosen completely at random the day prior to the next video being uploaded and will all be contacted via Instagram DM GOOD LUCK 12 4 WINNER _ivorycherry12 7 WINNER orlyluvjemma12 11 WINNER cameme97__ LET S BE BFFSSNAPCHAT jamescharless__ COUPON CODES Use code JAMES for 10 off all products online AND in store UBER Use code SISTERJAMES for 5 off your first 3 rides Use code JAMES for 15 off all lashesUse code JAMES for 10 off all itemsUse code JAMES for 25 off all products __ MY AMAZING TEAMEDITOR Louis Anthony GargiulaWRITER Eros GomezGRAPHICS Michael Rusakov
VEGASSSSS! Vegas is ALWAYS good idea! Some of my closest gals took me to VEGAS for my bachelorette/staggette party ! In this vid...
오늘은 고양이들을 애기띠 주머니에 넣고 안아줬어요. 디디랑 루루는 캥거루 처럼 주머니 속에서 행복한 시간을 보냈어요!
Wow that was a bit of a long video. More to come on the subject of horror pages and development!
안녕하세요. 조꽁드입니다. 이 영상을 시작으로 4편의 크림치즈 디저트 레시피를 올릴 예정입니다. 주식회사 동서가 새로이 선보이는 독일산 필라델피아 크림치즈 제품을 제공받아 레시피 영상을 제작 하게 되었습니다. (유료광고입니다 ^^)...
Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation June 2017 ♥ part 1 ♥
上次買的開架心得來了!!! 這些都是我自己有興趣的東西 用了一陣子後整理出來跟你們分享 (怎麼覺得我好像沒拍過這種新品的心得影片) 希望下次拍可以更即時一點xdd
「かわいい猫」 笑わないようにしようとしてください - 最も面白い猫の映画 #140 #かわいい猫 #猫 私のチャンネルを購読する →
年初重頭戲光療美唇來了 水潤保濕顯色 持久度好 撫平唇紋更是優秀 大家應該等這隻影片等很久了 除了示範色以外 依舊做了全試色給大家 並同時做了混色教學 希望大家看得開心呀
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