Kissenbezüge mit herbstlichen Motiven besticken | DIY einfach kreativ

by einfach kreativ

Kissenbezüge mit herbstlichen Motiven besticken | DIY einfach kreativ


Bloggerin Julia Lange Schreiner weiht Sie in das Geheimnis des einfachen Kreuzstiches ein Hier geht s zur Anleitung mit Vorlagen Die Anleitung findet Ihr hier



洗濯バサミの猫1/2(Clothespin cat)1/2

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洗濯ばさみを編みくるんで猫を作りました 手が動くので、何かを掴んだり物につかまったり出来ます 小さいのも大きのも可愛いと思います

Little Kittens and Cute Cats C...

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Are you prepared for some of the cutest cats and kittens! Come and join us in our newest compilation made for all you cat lovers.

Savoir-faire of the Autumn-Win...

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See inside the secret world of the ateliers at 30 Avenue Montaigne in Paris to discover some of the extraordinary savoir-faire beh...

귀여운 토끼의 바나나 먹방ㅎㅎ

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출처credit:instagram@reubentherex 재미있는 영상과 함께 좋은 하루 되세요 ^-^/ 영상 제보 및 문의사항은 카카오톡 플러스친구 FeelSoGood 검색 후 친구 추가하기!!(


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Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here's a video where I use some products that are GREAT for super fast liner, lashes and faux freckles! H...