Nightmare Before Christmas Hal...
Oh hello! Yes, I have noticed it's nearly Halloween. That is why you are getting an extra video this week with some great techniqu...
A technique that combines beading embroidery and some unique materials It s as time consuming as it is beautiful OR use the promo code ANGELA Ready for a ton of links and information Their statement about the beetles in case the ethics of working with them concerns you all wings are obtained after beetles has already died naturally of their own which happens briefly after breeding males and laying out eggs females that s their normal common life cycle beetles do not live long in adult form after fulfilling their procreational duties so the evidence of this simple fact is that next year there are more new beetles if though they were collected before they die naturally then next year there won t be any more beetles at all so all Thai insect collectors know this and if that s not enough then additionally HM The Queen of Thailand has given strict injunctions about it to collect them only after breeding Material List Metallic beads 10 0 metallic gold 10 0 metallic silver both from Jo annsGreen beads 10 0 kelly green from AC MooreGold beads 33MA12 563411 from Beads WorldLarger gold beads SQ910 from Beads WorldBlack Beads Jewelry Basics 4mm black faux pearls from Jo annsThread Gutermann col 500 Needles Dritz size 10 Floss DMC 3021The base material is from Hamed Fabrics in NYCAlso used 11 3 and 12 x 20 embroidery hoops all from Jo anns but don t buy the oval one it is AWFUL Skillshare videos shown Time stamps Embroidery 1 30What working with wings is like 4 50Preparing the wings 5 36Sewing the wings on 8 50Beading 13 22BUGS 16 28 If you are interested in seeing more of my work or contacting me I ll leave links to my various sites below Website a WIP angelacostumery comEmail AngelaCostumery gmail com serious inquires only please Music is a Prelude performed and written by Chris Zabriskie It does not belong to me Also my mic wasn t plugged in so the audio is kind of tinny on this one I ll be more careful next time Some links above may track clicks but are NOT affiliate links and do not benefit me financially or otherwise This video includes a paid advertisement for Skillshare
Oh hello! Yes, I have noticed it's nearly Halloween. That is why you are getting an extra video this week with some great techniqu...
猶豫做炸料理但是要吃日式揚豆腐? Here's a perfect 食譜!香香&酥酥的豆腐跟湯汁 超級可口的一品料理, 當下酒或給小朋友吃也很適合喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و MASAのYoutube頻道:🍅
After Rescue, 30 days have passed. How the little rescued fox has changed this month. Poor baby Fox lost mom:
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Watch me test out December’s BOXYSHERM!!!!! I hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for watching! xoxo!
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I try out the Dyson Ariwrap Complete Kit! I hope you enjoy! Thanks for watching! xo...
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I can't believe my summer chrome collection is FINALLY here!!!!!!!!! Here is a tutorial featuring some of my new products AND I br...
Thank you Gevita for the wonderful care and love you put into your paper bundles. It is so beautiful and I really enjoyed opening ...
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