Beginner Sewing Project -- The Seamwork Bo Sew-along

by Common Thread

Beginner Sewing Project -- The Seamwork Bo Sew-along


I love the Seamwork Bo top and I am so excited to share this tutorial with you The top is an oversized boxy top and is the perfect simple sewing project for beginner sewists If you want to learn to sew or are looking for an easy shirt pattern then the Bo Top is just what you need For inspiration on how different fabrics look with this or any pattern I always like to look up the hashtag on Instagram The sewing hashtag for the Bo is seamworkbo if you want some inspiration and be sure to follow me _commonthread while you are there I have been building my ethical wardrobe for a few years and a large part of that is doing DIY clothing hacks and sewing my own wardrobe The Bo is one of my staple wardrobe pieces and I hope it will become one of yours as well Mentioned in the video Upload your finished Bo to Instagram and be sure to tag me _commonthread and tag your creation seamworkbo DIY wardrobe how to sew a top tutorialdiy linen topboxy top diybasic shirt patterneasy shirt patterneasy patternsdiy wardrobebeginner sewingeasy sewing tutorial memademaybest shirt patternbest sewing tutorialhow to make clothesbeginner sewing projecteasy sewing patternsshirt patternssimple sewing projects




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