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So glad that I got to do a Cheesesteak Tour when I visited Philadelphia this time because when you are in Philly you got to eat some good Philly Cheesesteak Cheesesteak sandwiches have always been one of my favorite kind of sandwiches that s why I had to make it my mission to see what the best Cheesesteak Sandwich that Philly has to offer Not only did I get to taste the cheesiest Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich that was oozing out with cheese but I also got to try one of the biggest Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches too This Cheesesteak sandwich is filled with an insanely amount of toppings full of juicy seasoned meat fried onions peppers and most of all and it has so much cheese Mmm thank you Philadelphia for your fantastic Cheesesteak Sandwiches I will be back for more of that cheesy sandwich LOCATION 1 John s Roast Pork2 Jim s Steaks3 Cleavers4 Max s Steaks MORE EXCLUSIVE Content on Instagram FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Equipment I use for filming My Favorite Cookware Send stuff to our PO Box Mike Chen PO Box 610 Middletown NY 10940
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Dermatologist Dr Dray gives tips for how to stop picking your skin and how to stop picking acne. Use code DRDRAY to save 15% on H...
Come with me on a mission to rescue my problematic plants that need rescuing. I will explain the problems (such as pests, sunlight...
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Products that I've finished recently, from makeup to skincare to haircare to fragrance :) Some worthy of a repurchase... some not ...
#eyeshadow #makeup #slayedhairmagic OPEN ME↓
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Noir Brownies ノアールブラウニー 美味しいから作ってもらいたい! The dough with chocolate and cocoa powder is very moist and thick, and the Noir Black Coc...
気泡を完全除去する検証動画!!! 最後まで見ていただいても何も出来上がらないのでご了承くださいw
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