
by こんどうようぢ



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100% HONEST Famous Instagram S...

  • by Talisa Tossell 1609

Hi guys! Review for glitter.slimes, parakeetslimes, scented slime by amy, slimekiingg and stellarslime on Instagram. I’m being 100...


  • by GEN3 Owl Channel 1148

清潔を保つため、入念にお手入れしています。 00:28辺りで見えるピンク色の突起がフクロウの尾脂線です。 この尾脂線から分泌される油分を、身体中に伸ばして羽をコーティングしています。 それにしても…首、よく回ります。

Beautiful Nails 2019 The Best...

  • by Style Beauty 1421

💓💓 Hi everyone! This is best nail art designs in january 2019 - I prepared for you amazing nail tutorial with Tips nails and beau...

200 year old GRAND Trifle reci...

  • by How To Cook That 1072

200 year old grand trifle recipe using home made gelatin. The taste testing at the end will make you very grateful for food scien...

URBAN SKETCHING (kindof) // Au...

  • by AnnCakes Art 1473

Here's my bullet journal setup for the month of august :) So excited to further explore "urban sketching" - what do you guys think...


  • by POPOKURO 2425

ダイソーの「ふわっと軽いねんど」で雲を作り、レジンに入れて雫型の虹空チャームを作りました(*´꒳`*)今回は色数が増えてきたダイソーの速乾UVレジン液を試してみました↓下に材料と購入店を書いています↓ [材料] ・ふわっと軽いねんど :DAISO ・UVレジン...

♡ How to: French & Fade w Gel

  • by Jessica Angelique Winsenne 2170

Hey! I hope you like this video- also let me know what kind of videos you'd like to see in the future! I made a couple videos befo...