Binging with Babish: Eggs Florentine from Frasier

by Binging with Babish

Binging with Babish: Eggs Florentine from Frasier


This episode was sponsored by The Venetian Resort Las Vegas I was given the opportunity to choose a dish to be featured on their secret room service menu Eggs Florentine When you visit Vegas make sure you order it and tag me and VenetianLasVegas This week we return once again to the hallowed halls of the fancy foods of Frasier Instead of the brothers Crane however we turn to Lilith Sternin for inspiration as we recreate her postcoital breakfast of choice eggs florentine even if it s slathered in ketchup and devoured in the bathroom



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キジトラ猫リリ「リコ~ねぇねぇいつもの毛繕いしてぇ~」 柴犬リコ「わかった!ちょっとじっとしなさい!」 ってリコはどんどん激しくなって、毛繕いじゃなくなってきてる?(*´艸`) 興奮しすぎちゃったので、ブラッシングで一休み♥ リムも、ブラッシング手伝ってね🎵 ...


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它終於來了!婚禮小五金的開始!這一周,我告訴你我是如何通過手工製作我自己的婚禮請柬!讓我知道你想什麼其他的婚禮小五金在評論中看到的! - 貝基__