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刺繍(ししゅう)の初心者が前情報なしで 刺繍キットに挑戦したらひどいことになりました;
Join Trinny Woodall for her June Zara Shop Up as she returns to Zara while the shops slowly start to open up again in the UK. Trin...
In this video DIY tutorial I show you how to sew so cute double color purse bag by own hands from scratch with long strip. This xu...
ある日、コタツの上に乗っていたおむすびさんが可愛くて喜んで絡みにいったら、その日からちょいちょい乗っかっるようになってしまいました^^;上に置いてあるものに悪さはしないので、まぁいいか…。 ブログはこちら♪https://musubiyori.com/arch...
My four tiny british shorthair kittens 18 days old. 1. Amur 2. Aramis 3. Arnold 4. Alfons Father William Mother Agusha.
Hello friends. I’m sorry for skipping last weeks upload but I hope this longer video makes up for it. I know its a bit messy and a...
Are you ready for the best falafel you've ever tasted (whether fried or baked)? Falafel are delicious balls of chickpea and herb g...
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