台風の被害は大丈夫でしたでしょうか? 奇跡的にパソコンが復活しました笑
You guys said I should do freckled looks for literally every occasion so here we are xD PRODUCTS USED Suva Beauty Grape Soda Limited Edition MORE VIDEOS TO WATCH NOT TIRED OF ME YET FTC Disclaimer This video is NOT sponsored Some products were sent given to me for consideration for use while some were bought with my own money All opinions are my own Some of the above links are affiliate links which means I make a small percentage off your purchase They do not cost you anything and help support this channel pompberry
台風の被害は大丈夫でしたでしょうか? 奇跡的にパソコンが復活しました笑
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I couldn’t just stick to makeup today, I needed to have a heart to heart with you guys, thanks for watching. xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO B...
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